Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dave Horne

Don't even know where to begin. Dave has been the most consistant investor in my life for years. I first got to know Dave when I was going on a missions trip. A time that catalized my love for Christ so much. Dave was instrumental in that, and since then has served to help my passion for missions. It is something that has been so important for me. He has taken me on trips to Chicago, Detroit. Just models for me everything that discipleship is supposed to be around. He is one of the most encouraging people in my life. Between teaching, dialoguing, giving responsibility, he just believes in me. Something that I rarely feel from people. His love for God, and his love for his family just comes through with so much power. He is a model of the man I really would love to become.

Dave Drury

Ever met somebody that is like super creative? Like they can't sit in a chair during a big board meeting because their mind is hindered. Somebody who with everything they say just changes the direction of a decision because of the carefully thought out idea, and eloquantly given presentation, thats Dave. Dave has been my mentor, off and on, for four or so years. He is an extremely talented writer, a gift that stems from a very creative nature. Something that I have always found very impressive about Dave is his consistancy. Everything he says he's going to do he does, and does well. He is somebody that I have messed up for on a consistant basis, and just stays with me. Loyalty is somehting that is so important to me, and you can see with what I have told you how his character would be something I value. He is one of the two pastors at the church that really pushes my growth, that challenges me, and gives me space for my creativity. I so very deeply appreciate that in him. Something about Dave that I hope to assimilate into my own life is his gravity toward simplicity. He is somebody that has made a consistant effort to make his life simple. Blue shirts, no cell phone, he just seeks after God, and cares for his family. Such a great model.

Monday, July 31, 2006


My mother is a model of generocity. I have not only never met someone as giving as her, but I have never even heard of someone like her. She is so kind and so welcoming. She has been through a ton and has amassed so much wisdom that it almost exudes from who she is. She is not meek, by any standards, she is somebody that is just entirely honest all the time. She gets it from her father, he was born in the early 1900s and was a through and through man of integrity. She was always the neighborhood mom. From making us all lunches, getting my dad to build an enormous playgym in the back yard, to all of the kids coming to her for advice, and council. I had sunburn for the first time being out of the house, it really drove home how much i miss being taken care of and nurtured at the age of freaking twenty. Sitting there in my bedroom for a half an hour trying to apply aloe to my back, and just wishing. I am so thankful for a truly great mother. Somebody I always hung out with. From flea markets, to yard sales, to gardening. My parents are my best of friends, and my closest councelors. Thank you God!


My dad is a pillar of a man. He is so intellegant, and compitant. He establishes a presence in a room within minutes. He is that kind of dad that everybody wishes they had. He is one of those people that is never boring. He cand tell a story better than any person alive. His biggest character trait is leadership, people he doesn't know just assume he knows everything, and ask him questions all the time. I feel like random people would follow him into battle after a few minutes of talking with him. His life is a true story of God's protection. He had an "adventureous" childhood. Lived in the Appalatian country of Pennsylvania. From almost falling from a grain elevator, to descending gorges for a swim, rafting down flood water surging rivers. It has been so great to see my mom and him fight through issues for years. To see them closer now than ever before, and after 21 years of marriage to love each other more now than ever. Thanks to God for a great father.

Dennis Jackson

I have never met a more grounded, God inspired man. A true embodiment of Christ likeness. Slow to anger, abounding in love, in tune with the spirit of God. His visionary lifestyle flows into everything he does. He is a real vision caster. He is the senior pastor at my home church. His love for his wife, and his children is evident whenever he is around them, and often when he is not. he seeks to delve into your life. Loves to mentor. Our old youth pastor used to call him "Bishop" because of the righteousness found in his everyday lifestyle. It has been such a blessing to be under his leadership and guidance for the last decade. Besides my dad there is no other person (obvious dieties excluded) that I aspire to be like more. I see him day in and day out living, loving, and looking to heaven.